Booking Tariff

Booking Tariff

There are three different rates which depend on the type of user.

Local Rate

For those who physically live within one of the five villages and pay a precept to either Lea-by-Backford, Mollington or Backford Parish Council

Commercial Rate

For those who are running a business and use the Hall in pursuit of that business. These are for-profit event bookings

Casual Rate

For those who do not live in one of the five villages but are booking a private event at the Hall. These are not-for-profit event bookings

NB The committee reserves the right to require a deposit at the time of booking.

Tariff (valid from 1st October 2024 until 30th September 2025)

Scroll left & right to view prices

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Room/Space Local Rate £ per hour Commercial Rate £ per hour Casual Rate £ per hour
Main Hall £16 £21 £27
Activity Room £11 £13 £16
Stage £11 £11 £11
Kitchen £21 £21 £21
Bar £21 £21 £21

NB your booked time includes set up and clear down activities.

All weekend parties are subject to a minimum booking of 3 hours.

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